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Gold Coast, Australia

There are so many words to describe this talented, motivated, beautiful, genuine, courageous, spirited Life organiser. If you’re wanting to achieve and manifest your wildest dreams, Jess is the woman to help you do it! Don’t be afraid, expand your current situation with Jess’s Guidance.

Bec Ihlein

Gold Coast, Australia

I feel like I have achieved a years worth of progress in just 3 months with Jess. My friends have noticed a huge shift in me and have commented on how excited and happy I am now. Jess kept me focused and on track and made achieving my momentous goals achievable, focused and passionate. I am so excited to step into my new purpose!

Cara Waldron

Gold Coast, Australia

Marie-Ann Taylor

Melbourne, Australia

Jess helped me tremendously! I felt like I had a lot of questions about my path, my business and really just in need of direction and a big dose of encouragement.


When I was with Jess in our session, she did all that and so much more. She really helped uncover gifts, talents and created a very strong path and direction. She gave me readings that were incredibly helpful. And by the time the session was finished, I felt so full of joy and confidence!! She really helped me in the ways I needed most. I’m forever grateful for her and her special talents and gifts!!!!!!!


Life Coach & Stylist, Las Vegas U.S.A. 

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